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Wednesday Night  Meals

Before our Midweek Services, we serve a free meal from 6pm-6:30pm.  If you would like a meal on Wednesday night, please sign up for you and your family so that those preparing the meals will know how much to prepare.  This week's menu is homemade chili or loaded baked potato soup, cornbread and crackers, toppings for each and dessert.  Kids:  grilled cheese shandwiches and chips  (no salad this week).  Please sign up by  5pm Tuesday. We look forward to having you at our midweek services and spending some time with you before services begin.

Have an Announcement?

If you have an announcement that you would like to submit, you can text @4ka3bk to the number 81010. Once you are added to the group, you will receive a text weekly to ask if you have any announcements for the following Sunday. If you have any questions, you can contact Tiffany Schufeldt